One Year Anniversary

by - 04:27

December 15th, 2016. Blog was created.
December 15th, 2017. One Year Anniversary

It feels like it was yesterday... I was in the library at college and I suddenly decided that it was time to create a blog and I just simply started putting everything together and it was the first time that I actually felt like I completed one of my projects! I loved the idea of having a blog and being able to share my feelings and today I'm 100% sure that it was one of my best ideas ever!

Even though I haven't been on most of the time, along the year, this blog has given me a sense of joy and relief that I can't begin to express! It has shown me the best side of life, the good things in life and how to overcome my obstacles. I focused on this blog because I was feeling down and miserable with myself and knowing I had somewhere I could rely on was really important for me! Knowing that I could share what I wanted without being judged, without people knowing who I am was exactly what I needed. I needed to letting everything out, all my feelings, all my ideas, all my insecurities and I didn't want to share it with people I knew, I just wanted to share without being concerned on what others thought about me. 
And this was it! This blog, for me, was a huge achievement and I wish I had done it sooner!
The smallest things in life can show you the light, you just have to allow yourself to see it! Happy One Year Anniversary my dearest readers!

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to share it and make sure to follow my social media (TwitterInstagramPinterest)
See ya!

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2 comentários

  1. It just feels like it was yesterday... I was in the library at college and suddenly I had to decide which design I liked the most but to ignore the words. Now it's impossible to ignore those 3 words and what they mean to you. I am enormously proud of this project you created for us, readers, but most important, for yourself. I just love to see how this makes you happy and I'm honoured you shared this with me. Thank you for allowing me to see the light of your Sunshine!
    Happy one year anniversary! Hope to celebrate many more years of sharing!

    1. More than being happy with this blog, I'm happy about sharing it with someone that I care about so much like you! Thank you for your continuous support, love and care! More than being happy with this blog, I'm happy about this comment! Thank you, sincerely!
