Merry Christmas!

by - 16:46

Christmas is my favorite time of the year! However it might not be for the most obvious reasons! Most people would think it's because everyone is reunited and there's presents and delicious food... and don't get me wrong: I do love these things!

But, for me, it's the little things that really make me love this holiday season! It's wrapping all the presents and tagging them, it's the previous night where we're finishing everything and getting everything ready for the big night, it's being here on my laptop with all the christmas decorations and all the lights and candles on... And possibly my favorite is staying up until 5 am with my brother on christmas night playing games or watching a movie! It doesn't really matter what we do but that time that we spend together is one of my favorite moments of the entire year with him!
I know that these things might sound a little bit weird but I'm all about the details and these are details that really make my christmas feel special and it's only now that it really feels like christmas even with all the lights and decorations everywhere we go!

Last but not least, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas! Have an amazing time with your family and your loved ones and enjoy every moment! 

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to share it and make sure to follow my social media (TwitterInstagramPinterest)
See ya!
Note: If you'd like to use this photo for any purpose, please contact me!

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