Inspired by... Mark Ferris

by - 07:26

"Inspired by..." is a series of posts that I'll write about from time to time. It will consist on talking about someone that inspires me or that I truly admire. Hope you like it!

I don’t think I’ve referred yet how obsessed I am about youtubers… but that is not really the point of this post… Story for another time I guess! (Post idea right there! ahah)
Well, I recently watched a video of a youtuber that I really like called Mark Ferris and the video is about how he changed over the past couple of years and how he is who he really wants to be and he is happy and doesn’t think of what other people think of him. Basically he had a pretty rough down time and he made his way up again.
On my post about the New Year (Out with the old, in with the new) I talked about how I feel and how hard I’m trying to change it. Since that post I’ve thought more and more about it and BAM! Mark Ferris does a video about it!
I can’t begin to describe how much this video inspired me and made me think of everything I feel! As I’ve said, the last couple of years have been super rough for me and I finally feel like I can see a difference in who I was and who I want to be: I really want to be me without thinking of the past, without being worried about what people think, without constantly remembering everything that certain people have told me!
It's a really long way and I know pretty well how hard it is so it just makes me so happy to see that someone that I really look up to actually did it and achieved his goal: to be happy and carefree! I am honestly so proud of Mark because I’ve seen his other videos where he talks about this topic and I understand perfectly what he means!
This video is everything I want to be and I can't thank him enough for this video because he really inspires me and knowing that he felt the same way I do and that he completed this process tells me that I can do it!
After such a long time, I finally see that there’s an end to this path and it feels so good! Of course a big part of the way I’ve completed I owe to all the people that inspire me every single day and one of those people is Mark! So if you have some time, please do check out his channel!

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to share it and make sure to follow my social media (TwitterInstagramPinterest)
See ya!

Note: This post is not advertised! I just really wanted to share this video because it helped me and I thought that it could potentially help someone else!

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